sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010

Different.... Always different!

# Well... have been a long time I don't post anything here...

# I do like write blogs, but even though patient don't let me do it! XD I always have something more important, or I'm too lazy to come here and think and write... ^^"""
# I kind comeback today more because I need to "open up" myself, to talk about how I'm different from other people, how is strange to be like this... This picture above totally describes me!

# All the other girls are beautiful, very attractive, very feminine! Love dresses, high heels, skirts, pink stuff , romantic things, romantic actions, plushes, make up, go to hairdresser, have their nails from hands and toes done, they feel disgusting from everything, they're very polite, very shallow, very docile and submissive and VERY ANOTHER THINGS I don't remember now!

# From things I said about those girls I am docile (at least is what people most say about me) and polite! I don't like skirts, dresses or high heels...I'm not fond of plushes and make up, i like my face on the natural, I'm not shallow and definitely I'M NOT submissive... hate people given orders, much more when it's a man doing it ¬¬
#Well...there are others points of difference on me too not just those superficial up here!As what i think about sexual option, man appearance, stupid patterns that society wants to impose one us and much more...

#And yesterday on my college class I totally had a confirmation of all of it...It was a class of psychology (lawyers need to know how to deal with people) and i could see all the prejudice! About woman and man! Stupid patterns and everyone agreeing with it! I felt so revolted! But so revolted! >.< Teacher was trying to open their eyes, but each single person on that classroom didn't listen to her! I must confess I was on the end of the class like : ok! what the hell am I doing here? O.õ I'm on the wrong job! x.x"

# Wherever... I'm different! I love boys stuff like cartoons, cars, games, languages, style, intelligent things, I'm very open minded, don't like to follow patterns dued by society...And today I had a confirmation...
# Then because of it All the time people get in doubt about my sexuality OR kind reject me. My friends say that I'm their "man", or I'm a gay in a woman body... but at least they like me exactly on the way I am ^^

#I hope they keep like me and my dreams fulfill! So I won't work as a lawyer!
Sorry for all mistakes but it's late night and I'm tired! =***